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Sep 24, 2024 • 9 min read
Work-related injuries bring significant financial and operational losses to employers. According to Safe Work Australia, 127,800 serious workers compensation cases were filed in 2023 alone, which incurred a median time loss of 8.0 weeks.
Are there ways to minimise potential losses? Absolutely. For employers, being proactively involved in WorkCover cases not only reduces the financial impact on your business, it also fosters a supportive environment that strengthens your relationship with your employees.
Keep reading to find out how you can be an engaged employer within the workers comp system, to help pave the way for a smooth return to work journey.
Note: In this article, we use “WorkCover” and “workers comp” interchangeably to refer to your workers compensation case, but the term WorkCover is no longer in use. See Safework NSW for more details.
Within any WorkCover case, the support team refers to the parties involved in ensuring a safe and sustainable recovery process for the injured worker. These key stakeholders include:
Did you know you hold a vital position in the workers compensation case? Here, we outline your key legal responsibilities in the process of a worker’s recovery journey.
Shared goals, communication and cooperation among a support team are critical in achieving positive clinical and occupational outcomes in the WorkCover case. Staying engaged in the recovery process helps workers return to their regular duties sooner, whilst also building trust and rapport with employees.
Here are some strategies for effective collaboration:
Here at AusRehab, we’re dedicated to supporting injured workers and ensuring their safe return to work since our founding in 2019. We take the time to understand each unique WorkCover case and provide customised solutions. Our expertise in workers compensation and CTP claims, along with our commitment to delivering the best results, has helped us achieve an impressive return-to-work rate of nearly 90%.
If you’re ready to take the first step to elevate your organisation, speak to us to find out how we can deliver you to your expectations and beyond.
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